There is something amazing about having a TV at the tailgate. You can watch the other games while you enjoy a cold one before the game you’re tailgating for begins. The problem is that hauling a big TV, antennae, and power source makes some people not even want to bother with bringing a TV to the tailgate. What if I told you there was a better way? You know if I’m typing this up, there is! Meet the LG StanbyMe Go Briefcase TV Review.
Briefcase TV Features
-Internal battery with 3 hours of battery life
-Briefcase design for portability and protection
-27 Inch adjustable TV
-Weight = 27 pounds
-Touch Screen
-Dolby Sound and Vision

What Did We Think?
When LG reached out to me to check out their briefcase TV I was immediately impressed by their new to market briefcase TV. I had the moment of why has no one thought of this before? I’ll be honest I have a lot of fun tailgating gear, but I rarely mess with bringing all the items to set up a TV. I always love the person that does bring one though! This TV looked to solve all the pain points of setting up a TV at the tailgating party.
Let’s start with the portability of the unit. Everything is housed within a hard-shelled briefcase that easily opens and has the TV ready for tailgating action in seconds. The total weight of the LG StanbyMe TV is 27 pounds. It has a handle that allows for easy carry and looks extremely stealth, or as some called it James Bond like.
There is a power button on the back of the unit to flip on to activate the battery, that lasts for approximately 3 hours. From there pop the clips of the briefcase to open it up and then the TV will pull out and you can adjust to the angle you like. The screen can also change from landscape to portrait mode with a simple twist. Portrait mode can be great if you’re mirroring your smartphone to the unit.
Your LG TV can be paired with your Wi-Fi at your home or you can get a signal off of your smartphone, when you’re on the go. We tested it both ways and had good results. When you’re streaming off your phone it will depend on the service in the area, but we did stream this at a tailgating event with thousands of people around.
The LG StandbyMe comes loaded with LG channels that also has on demand options, if you’re looking to watch a movie like we did when we had the TV out for our Halloween party. We were also able to stream ESPN from our phone to the LG TV at the tailgating party we took this too. This allowed us to easily watch the earlier football games on ESPN with ease. Speaking of tailgating when we showed up to the tailgate with this briefcase TV the tailgaters that brought the big TVs, generators, and antennae’s all came over to learn more about the EASY way to bring a TV to the tailgate.
When the party is over you can get the TV ready to go in matter of seconds, as it folds right back into the protective briefcase when you’re done. The briefcase can take a little abuse, as you can see, we have a few dings on ours (video below) and the TV operates like its brand new. If that same impact happened to a normal TV you can bet there would be damage to the screen.

PROS: protective briefcase design, touchscreen, Dolby sound and picture, internal battery
CONS: minor gripe but longer tailgates we’d love to get more than 3 hours of battery life
Overall, this is my favorite tailgating TV setup I have ever tested. It’s the easy way to have a TV at your tailgate. If you’re tired of hauling big TVs, generators and antennas to the game then it’s time to hit the easy button with the LG StanbyME GO TV.
Learn more and get your own by visiting LG.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 1/15/25