If you drink top shelf drinks, why not have top shelf ice? We have made whiskey ice balls with ice trays, but we had never tried ice balls made in a legit ice press. The Meltdown Ice Press claims to make some of the best ice you’ve ever seen. Grab your favorite drink and let’s see how the Meltdown Mogul Ice Press Review does in our next Tailgating Challenge.
Meltdown Ice Press Features
-99.8% copper
-16 pounds (it’s surprisingly heavy)
-Trickle down grooves for ice melt
-Pinless HoverCover design for smooth operation
-Easy to use and make amazing ice balls
-Ability to engrave (We got ours with Tailgating Challenge)

What Did We Think?
We have used some ice balls and made them in cute little ice trays before, heck my new freezer even has a whiskey ice ball setting, so I was like do I really need an Ice Press? I hadn’t even heard that these were a thing until recently, but the Meltdown Ice Press was referred to me by a friend saying you need to check this out, of course I obliged.
When the Meltdown Ice Press came in my first thoughts were this is a beautiful piece of machinery, and it was much heavier than I expected. We got ours engraved with our Tailgating Challenge logo and, I may be biased, but it really makes our Meltdown Ice Press stand out.
How easy is this to use? Actually, it is easier than I anticipated. It comes with directions that I suggest you follow on your first attempt. High level you will fill the Vamoose clear ice device and then freeze it. It will freeze as a relatively clear block of ice. Pro Tip don’t fill past the fill line if you do the ice balls won’t come out quite as perfect.
After you have left the Vamoose clear ice device in the freezer for 24 hours it’s time for the magic to happen. Let’s make an impressive ice ball! Slowly remove the block of ice from the Vamoose and place it on the base of the Meltdown Ice Press. The base we went with is solid aluminum (weight 9.65 pounds). The press is an impressive 99.8% copper work of art. Once the block of ice is on the base, place the copper press on top of the base. You will line up the grooves and then watch the magic happen. I thought I would actually have to use some force to make this ice ball, but you can literally place the press on top and you can watch it go down and guide the melt water to the base.
Once the copper press is at the bottom it’s time to pull it off and check out the ice ball. The ice ball that you can see in the pic below was the first ever ice ball I made and I was shocked at how beautiful it was! It was a perfectly clear ice ball that I was able to grab with the included stainless-steel tongs. I mixed up a drink and was looking at the ice more than my drink!

PROS: easy to use, looks amazing, well-built/solid, makes impressive ice balls
CONS: the copper will naturally tarnish over time (there are ways to clean it), others may be a little shocked at the price tag (this unit would run approximately $2,000 before engraving)
Overall, the Meltdown Mogul Ice Press made some of the coolest (pun intended) ice balls that I have ever seen with elegance and class. If you’re ready to step up your drink presentation, it’s time for Meltdown Ice Press.
Learn more and get your own by visiting: Meltdown Ice
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Written By: Luke Lorick 10/25/24