Tailgating and enjoying an adult beverage, or two, go hand in hand. With fun comes responsibility and keeping yourself and others safe. We’ve all had the friend that enjoys the party a bit too much and insists on driving home. They believe they are ok to drive where you think otherwise.
Next time have them blow into your BACtrack breathalyzer to help them see the error of their ways. You may just save a life.
BACtrack sent us their top rated Mobile Pro bluetooth breathalyzer that looks as good as it performs. You download the app on your smartphone and then blow into the device to get a reading. (remember to wait at least 15 minutes after your last drink of alcohol prior to testing to be accurate) The app tracks your progress over the night and even gives you an estimated time as to when you will sober up.
PROS: portable, wireless, bluetooth, app for tracking progress, seems accurate if used correctly
CONS: having this at a party could lead to some wanting to see how high they blow and cause them to drink more than they should.
Overall, this is a device that can open up your and your friends eyes before thinking its ok to get behind the wheel. If you or a friend fall into this category this could be the most important thing you ever buy.
Order yours:
**Tailgating Challenge and BACtrack both want you to NEVER drink and drive. Remember your safety and others is paramount! #StaySafe