There are literally hundreds of products out there designed to help you deal with hangovers. The Drinkwel product comes at a little different angle, as it is a multivitamin that was made for those of us that enjoy a few adult beverages.
The Drinkwel Multi has your basic vitamins like Vitamin C, E and B along with a host of others. It also has a blend of herbs to help your body better deal with the stress that alcohol places on your inner system. There are herbs like Milk Thistle (helps the liver), Artichoke, Green Tea extract, Taurine, ALA and more. The directions advise to take 3 capsules before you start drinking and then 3 more at the conclusion of your evening.
Now the hard part, we had to start drinking:) I did two different attempts with Drinkwel with multiple people of different age groups (all above the age of 21 of course!) The first session we all took three Drinkwel pills when we started the evening and 3 more prior to going to sleep. The people who took this all reported feeling ‘pretty good’ the next day, not perfect, but better than expected.
The second attempt we only took 3 Drinkwel pills at the start of drinking and none at the conclusion (lets face it, sometimes you may forget to do this step after a fun night out) The results were impacted as everyone felt worse the day after than they did after the first test in which we took before and after. The general consensus was that no one could tell they even took anything to deal with a hangover (when only taking 3 before and none after)
PROS: a product made with a drinker in mind that can help with your hangover and better yet, help your body deal with the stress of drinking (Think long term impact, not just the day after)
CONS: It appears to only work if you take before and after you drink. It turns your pee a neon yellow color and your pee will have a strong smell to it.
Overall: The science behind this product makes sense and has shown it can work, when taken as directed. I believe the long term impact of using this will help you more than just feeling better the day after a night of adult fun.
Get Yours Here:
*I’m not an actual doctor, just a doctor of tailgating, so make sure you always check with your personal doctor before adding these or similiar products to your personal intake. I also encourage everyone to NEVER drink and drive and to always drink responsibly.