Clip N Rip Paper Towel Holder Review

Tired of paper towels blowing all over the place at your tailgating party? Simply tossing a roll of paper towels on the table will no longer cut it if you’re a tailgating champion. We had to find an easier way to display paper towels at the tailgate without fear of these falling off the table, getting dirty, or unraveled all across the parking lot. Today we help solve the paper towel tailgating crisis with the Clip N Rip Paper Towel Holder Review.

Clip N Rip Features

-Heavy duty clip to easily attach to a variety of surfaces

-Built in hook to hang trashbag

-Sets up in seconds

-Sturdy clip expands to attach to surfaces up to 2 in. thick

What Did We Think?

We love tailgating hacks that make us say: why didn’t’ we think of that? This Clip N Rip paper towel holder made me say just that the first time I used it.

You can add a normal paper towel roll to the Clip N Rip, in seconds, and then the heavy-duty clip allows you to clip on a variety of surfaces from tables to tailgates.

We even brought out the big wind with our leaf blower to put the Clip N Rip to the ultimate Tailgating Challenge and it was able to withstand these hurricane force winds. Watch the video below to see this test in action. Must see tailgating TV.

When you’re done simply unclip the Clip N Rip until the next time you need to solve the paper towel tailgating crisis.


Overall, if you love simple, economical tailgating hacks that actually work, the Clip N Rip could be for you. At the time of this BLOG the cost of a Clip N Rip was under $10 bucks!

Get your own by visiting CLIP N RIP.

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Written By: Luke Lorick 3/11/25

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