Flying a flag is one of the best forms of expression we have at a tailgate. You’ve seen the mini flags that are on tailgating windows as fans head to see their favorite teams play, but how about a giant flag that can fly off of almost any vehicle, whether you have a trailer hitch, or not? Got your attention? The BadFlag is a powerful suction cup system that can fly a flag at high speeds and show your fandom to all passing by. Now let your flags fly as we get into the BadFlag Review.

BadFlag Features
-Attaches in seconds
-Withstands speeds up to 90mph
-Can be used with variety of vehicles
-No damage to vehicle
-Fiberglass Pole
-Made in USA
What Did We Think?
We’ve tested flag holders that utilize your 2-inch receiver hitch, but not everyone has a trailer hitch that they can fly a flag on, or they may be using it for something else. When I saw the BadFlag flagpole mounting system, I knew this was different, as now it doesn’t matter if you have a big truck, or compact car you can fly a big flag. When reviewing the BadFlag I want to focus on ease of installation and how did it perform once attached to the vehicle.
First, let’s get the BadFlag installed. Make sure the surface you are going to attach the BadFlag system to is clean and smooth. This means don’t install it over a curve or body line, as the suction cups need a flat, clean surface to firmly attach to the vehicle. Once you have picked out the location that you plan to install the BadFlag (remember this can be moved around) press on the suction cup and start to pump the button, until the white disappears. This means you have a strong connection. Now repeat these steps for the second suction cup. The set-up time should be about a minute once you’re used to it.
One of my worries when I got the BadFlag was that it would fly off when I was driving down the road and hit another car (I’m an auto insurance professional by day, so these things worry me more than most). Once I installed the BadFlag I gave it several hard pulls, like pulls so hard the car was shaking and the BadFlag felt extremely secure. Only thing left to do is crank up the car and see how it handles some speed.
We started cruising around the parking lot and it felt and looked great. No potential issues that I could see and then we took it to the roadway. As the speed increased, I still had a nervous feeling that it was going to fly off, but it never did. While rated up to 90 mph we took this around town and roads up to 70mph without a single issue. I left this on my truck for a week just to see how it held up sitting outside with the BadFlag on and it held up great. The BadFlag has not let me down even after months of testing on multiple vehicles!
One added bonus I learned is that if you fly a giant flag from the side window of your Bronco people stop what they are doing and take notice. Maybe because they see a giant flag, or maybe because they have never seen a giant flag mounted this way! This would be an excellent way for a brand to promote their business, as people of all ages couldn’t help but stop and stare when we were driving around town.
Pro Tip: a little spritz of water on the suction cup can help for ever stronger suction.

PROS: suction cups really suck (meaning they hold this to your vehicle tightly), able to mount on various vehicles, easy to swap out flags, awesome way to market your business or show off your team spirit
CONS: must be a smooth spot for install, so watch out for body lines, releasing the suction cups doesn’t always work with using the bottom button.
Overall, this is an epic way to fly your flag on any vehicle. If you’ve ever wanted to fly a flag, but didn’t think your vehicle could handle it, it’s time to rethink things with BadFlag.
Learn more and get your own by visiting BADFLAG.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 4/2/24