We love the Shark Tank TV show and get excited to try out the products that appear. One of the latest products that was seen on Shark Tank and got a deal was the the Banana Loca. This kitchen gadget cores the inside of the banana and allows you to inject it with a filling of your choice (think peanut butter, yogurt or nutella). We wanted to see how easy this was to use and how it would do with more than just bananas. Now onto the Banana Loca Review!
Banana Loca Features
-Easily core bananas
-Fill with a variety of toppings
-Cleaning brush included
-As seen on Shark Tank

What Did We Think?
We had to watch the tutorial video when we first got our Banana Loca, as it was not extremely clear on how to successfully use it. In our video below I will show you step by step on how to use this new kitchen gadget.
High level, you will cut the tip off the banana. Then you’ll ‘core’ the banana. Finally, you will inject the now open center with the flavor of choice. My favorite is raspberry jam, but Nutella was also pretty delicious.
Tips for using this: make sure when you are pulling the core out of the banana to put your finger over the suction hole, as this will pull it out easier. Also when injecting the banana use items that are thinner in consistency, as this will make it easier to inject. I used some Nutella I had in the fridge that was thicker and harder to get into the banana. The jam we used easily injected into the banana.

We like to see how products like this can expand past just the intended use and our first thoughts went to sausages and could we inject the sausage, like we did the banana.
For the sausage we did NOT cut off the tip. We went straight to coring and then we attempted to inject the sausage with maple syrup. After we got it injected we then took a small piece of the core that came out to plug the hole. One issue we had was as the sausage cooked the syrup leaked out. Using items that have slightly thicker consistency ie: cheese could work better.
The sausages still have the maple syrup flavor, but did not have the oozing maple syrup when we cut into it.

PROS: easy to use after the first time, makes the banana taste better, fun presentation for parties, easy clean up
CONS: there is some waste that is left behind in the Banana Loca after injecting
Overall, this is the most fun way to eat bananas that we have ever tried. Having these for your kids, or your tailgating party will impress the guests. I may be crazy, but having the banana injected tastes better than simply taking a bite of banana followed with a spoon of jam.
Learn more and get your own by visiting BANANA LOCA.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 2/2/22