If you tailgate then I’m sure you’ve been to your fair share of games and most stadium seats are bleachers. Bleachers are cold, hard and uncomfortabl. If you sit there for the entire game you are sure to need to reposition yourself numerous times trying to find a ‘comfortable’ position. The GCI Outdoor company can now turn that bleacher into the best seat in the stadium with their new line of Stadium Chairs.
The GCI Outddoor Big Comfort Stadium Chairs come in 3 different styles to fit your stadium comfort needs.
-The base version is the BleacherBack Lumbar that weighs 3 pounds, comes in 4 colors and even has pouch to hold your tailgating items. This version does not come with armrest and can hold up to 250 pounds. The BleacherBack Lumbar attaches with a clasp under the bleacher to secure it in place. I like this version as it allows you to have a slight rocking motion while seated in the stands.
-The Big Comfort Stadium Chair is next version that comes in two different styles (one with armrests and one without, everything else remains the same). This chair hooks under the bleacher to hold you in and weighs 4.2 pounds (with armrests) and 2.9 pounds (without armrests). The Big Comfort Stadium Chair comes in 5 colors and can hold up to 330 pounds of tailgater:) The Big Comfort Stadium Chairs really add a level of comfort to the bleacher that I have never felt before. I prefer the one with the armrests and my wife prefered the one without. Either way they both feel great. *Check out the video below to see these in action*
PROS: Different styles, colors to fit your personal style and taste. If you sit on a bleacher to watch a game then this may be the best investment you’ll ever make.
CONS: The Big Comfort Stadium Chair just needs a cupholder.
Overall, the Big Comfort Stadium Chair feels like you are on your couch or recliner while sitting on a bleacher. This is the most comfortable I’ve ever felt while sitting in a bleacher.
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