Cornhole has taken over the nation and there are many unique boards that have shown up at tailgates across the country, BUT nothing like you’re about to see with the BumpBoard. This cornhole board has a built-in sound system and PA system with a mic. Let’s learn more in the BumpBoard Stereo Cornhole Boards Review.

BumpBoard Features
-Dual 5.25 driver speakers
-Two tweeters
-150 Watts
-Built in PA system with included wireless mic
-Bags included
-Bluetooth connectivity
-Vibration elimination rubber pads

What Did We Think?
We have tested many cornhole boards in our day, but when I saw Bumpboxx was coming out with cornhole boards I was stoked! Bumpboxx brought back the old school boombox with new features back in 2016 and they are adding their love of music to one of our favorite tailgating games, cornhole.
These boards look like normal cornhole boards until you see the legs! There is a Bluetooth audio panel that has dual 5.25 drivers and 2 tweeters that pump out 150 watts of music. I don’t know about you, but when I’m playing cornhole I love listening to some great tailgating jams. When storing the boards these legs will lock into place to ensure no damage to the electronics.
In addition to pumping out jams, one of my favorite features of the BumpBoard is the wireless microphone. Now you can announce your cornhole tournament, give kudos for making a great shot, or talk smack to your opponent. This will take smack talking to the next level, so you may need to hide the mic from some of your friends.
When you get the boards in rub them down with some Windex and paper towel otherwise, they will be a little slippery to start out with. These board can be customized with graphics. The boards seen in the below video are the ‘stock’ graphics.
Finally, the board has the Bumpboxx ‘B’ logo on the back of the legs that can also light up blue. The only thing they missed their mark on was adding an LED light right to the cornhole hole that could also dance to the music the cornhole board was playing.
PROS: stylish looks, Bluetooth sound system, PA system with microphone
CONS: It needs a light ring in the hole that dances to the music
Overall, if you’re looking for a cornhole board that will have you dancing to music, talking smack to your opponents and having everyone do a double take, then it’s time for the BumpBoxx BumpBoard.
Learn more and get your own by visiting BUMPBOXX.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 9/6/23