We love fire pits here at Tailgating Challenge and have been testing the latest and greatest fire pits for years. Anytime we hear of new technology in a fire pit the we want to check it out and put it to our Tailgating Challenge. The Burly USA fire pit caught our eye as they have a two piece system designed to greatly reduce smoke. If you love fire pits, but hate the smoke, then read on in our Burly USA Fire Pit Review.

Burly Fire Pit Features
- Made in the USA
- Two-piece system allows easy clean out and transport
- Pre-assembled for use right out of the box
- White oak handles, stained and waterproofed, age similar to teak
- Produces significant radiant heat
- Throws fewer sparks than traditional wood burning fire pits
- Optional Grill Accessory
- Dimensions:
- Inside diameter: 21 inches
- Outside diameter: 24 inches
- Height: 18.5 inches
- Dimensions:

What Did We Think?
When we test a fire pit we look at the following items, portability, style, heat and the amount of smoke it gives off.
First let’s dive into portability. While this fire pit weights more than some (72 pounds total) it gets higher marks on portability given that it has handles and it’s a 2 piece design. The two pieces (36 pounds each) can be moved individually for better portability. I was able to move the entire pit much easier given the two handles. You can also use team lift and each party grab a handle to also move the entire pit with ease.
Next up, we get into the style. This is a super clean looking fire pit that looks like it is ready to get down to business. I got the matte black that is made from heavy gauge carbon steel.
Now to get it fired up and feel the heat. Wow, when we got the Burly Fire Pit rocking the heat ring was amazing. I started the video in a fun California Cowboys coat and ended in a T-Shirt. In the last clip of the video, below, I was almost too warm sitting that close to the fire. The heat ring on this exceeded my expectations and is one of the best I’ve tested.
Finally, the most important aspect to some (like my wife) is smoke. We know that any combustible fire will have some smoke, and we have been around fire pits that created a steady stream of smoke that people keep moving their chairs to avoid. I was excited to see how this performed given the unique 2 piece design and I wasn’t disappointed. As the fire got hotter the smoke got less. The only smoke we saw was when we first started to get the fire going and when it was about to go out. When the fire was raging there was no discernable smoke. What can seal the deal for those wondering, my wife stayed outside by the fire the entire night. For the majority of pits I test she leaves and goes inside, as she is very smoke sensitive.

PROS: sleek design, great heat ring and nominal smoke
CONS: slightly heavier fire pit than some, but the 2 piece design and handles help with portability
Overall, if you’re looking for a fire pit that is big on heat and low on smoke the Burly USA Fire Pit could be just what you need for the ultimate fire pit night.
Learn more and get your own by visiting BURLY USA.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 11/2/22