We love frisbee games! We have tested a ton of games here at Tailgating Challenge and even founded National Yard Games Day with our love of the sport of yard games. The new game on the block is Disc Warrior and when we heard about a new way to play a frisbee game we knew it was time to put the Disc Warrior Game to our Tailgating Challenge.

Disc Warrior Scoring
First, decide your skill level. Disc Warrior recommends:
Little Warrior: 10 Feet
Beginner: 15 Feet
Intermediate: 30 Feet
Warrior: 50 Feet
You win when you get to 21 points. Scoring:
Hits the net = 1 point
Top or Bottom Hole = 3 points
Middle Hole = 5 points
Defensive Catch = -1 point
Interference = 1 point
What Did We Think?
Frisbee games are always fun and Disc Warrior is the new game on the block. First, I love the name and logo. I’ve always been fan of Spartans and warrior mentality, so I can appreciate where they are coming from with the name.
First, lets talk about portability. The entire game goes into a hand held pack and everything actually goes back in after the game is over. If you’re tired of hauling large yard games around this one is big on portability.
Next scoring. When I look at scoring I want to know are there multiple ways to score and how hard is the scoring to keep up with. There are multiple ways to score on offense and even on defense, which makes the game fun no matter who’s throwing the frisbee. The scoring is relatively simple and easy to keep up with, as noted above.
Finally, lets talk about the fun factor. Fun is the reason we are playing these games, right? I learned that distance matters and it’s ok to start out as a little warrior and work your way up as you perfect your shot. Having three different scoring holes and getting a point if you hit the target keeps people engaged with the multiple ways to score. Defense keeps you on your toes waiting to catch an errant pass. One thing that got us at first is that we were catching some frisbees before they had a chance to see if they made into the hole. That is interference and point to the offense.
Side note, you may be wonder what the one BIG hole is on the opposite side of each board. That is the practice hole so you can warm up with a big target.

PROS: highly portable, easy set up, multiple ways to score
CONS: can’t yet play on hard surfaces (only sand/grass) They are working on a solution for parking lots.
Overall, this is a fun frisbee game with multiple ways to score. It has great portability and above all is FUN! If you’re looking for a new frisbee game, may we suggest becoming a Disc Warrior.
Learn more and get your own by visiting DISC WARRIOR.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 10/7/22