Ready to mix your drink to perfection with every sip? In the past once you mixed your drink it was what it was. With the all new FlasKap FreePour you can customize every sip. Let’s learn more about this all new drinking hack in the FlasKap FreePour Review.
FreePour Features
-Holds 6 ounces
-Also compatible with Yeti Rambler
-Safety for the FreePour Button
-Various team color combinations

What Did We Think?
We tested out the first two iterations of the FlasKap that are a little different than the all new FreePour. The first iterations allowed you to drop shots of your favorite spirit into a tumbler, but in the new FreePour edition you are able to pour customized amounts of your favorite spirit into each sip you take.
I’ve been using Flaskap products for years and knew I had to test out the all new FreePour. This tumbler lid fits the FlasKap tumbler on their site, or the Yeti Rambler. Using the FreePour is simple, just fill up the 6 ounce well with spirit of choice, pour your mixer in the tumbler and start hitting the FreePour button!
When you first start using the FreePour it will take a few sips to get the hang of it. The first time I pushed the button all the way in, I quickly got a ful shot of liquor in my mouth! You want to take a smoother approach to pushing the button to find the right mix of the spirit and the mixer coming together. If you put the button all the way it cuts off any mixer from your mouth and it’s all spirits. The more you push the button the more spirits flow and the less mixer that enters your mouth.
When filling up your tumbler remember, you will have to give some extra space for the FreePour well that will sit in your tumbler. If you fill up the tumbler too much you will have an overflow situation!
I like that there is also an adjustable handle/safety for the FreePour button too. You can adjust it so you don’t accidentally hit the button and also twist it up to use it as a handle, to carry your drink to your destination.
PROS: discrete way to customize your mix drink, different team colors, and its just fun
CONS: if you push the button too hard you’re going to go through your spirits fast
Overall, this is a fun and smooth way to mix your drinks on the go. If you’re ready to customize every sip then it’s time to check out the FlasKap FreePour.
Learn more and get your own by visiting FLASKAP.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 4/6/24