We love fire pits and have tested many fire pits over our years in the tailgating industry. In this Tailgating Challenge we check out the new fire pit on the block: Floating Flame. This fire pit was designed to be used on boats, hence the ‘floating’, but can be right at home at the tailgating, or homegating parties. Now let’s get fired up and into the Floating Flame Fire Pit Review.
Floating Flame Features
- 30 pounds (with no propane tank loaded)
- Handle grips for moving unit
- 50,000 BTUs
- Can use 20 pound (15 hours of use) or 1 pound (about 1 hour of use) propane tanks
- Easy start button
- 4 drink holders
- Two storage compartments

What Did We Think?
The Floating Flame fire pit caught our eye as we were scrolling through social media due to the unique styling that made it jump off the page. The two side compartments that are added to this fire pit is where the unique touches start to jump out. In this review we will look at portability, heat, ease of use and unique features.
First, let’s talk portability. This unit tips the scales at 30 pounds (with no propane tank). For those wondering, similar sized wood burning fire pits average around 35-40 pounds. There are two cut outs for your hands to grip and help move the fire pit around. While I wouldn’t say this is a breeze to move around, when thinking about the size and competitor fire pits this would be above average in respects to portability.
Next up, how easy is this to use? Once you get the Floating Flame fire pit to your destination you will open the top of the unit where you can then place the 20 pound, or 1 pound propane tank. Once you attach the tank close the lid and then slide off the top panel where the fire will emerge from. There are fire rocks that you will even out with your hand. Then turn the dial to let the gas flow and push the ignition button and presto FIRE! This fire pit ranks high on ease of use.
The fire is now going, so how cozy is it? This fire pit was designed for boats, so they didn’t want a raging inferno and this fire puts out a respectable 50,000 BTU’s of heat. The Floating Flame has a dial that can adjust the propane flow for a smaller or larger flame. When the flame is at the max it brings a cozy fire ring to anyone that is sitting directly beside the fire. You will need to be directly beside the fire to feel the heat ring.
Finally, unique features! The side compartments on each side the fire pit have storage areas and each has space for 2 cup holders, so four total. Most fire pits don’t have the ability of added storage or drink holders, so these features set the Floating Flame apart from others.

PROS: 4 drink holders, easy to start up, uses 20 or 1 pound propane tanks, sleek styling, storage under drink holders
CONS: fire could be a little warmer with larger heat ring (50,000 BTU’s)
Overall, this is a unique firepit that has features that others don’t offer. If you’re looking for a firepit for your boat, homegating event or tailgating party the Floating Flame fire pit could be for you.
Learn more and get your own by visiting FLOATING FLAME.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 12/9/23