Wipe your grill down with flavor? Sounds too good to be true, we know, but there is a new product out there that claims to add flavor and lubrication to your grill. In our next Tailgating Challenge we see if Grillicious Grill Wipes are worth the hype. Fire up the grill and let’s get into the Grillicious Wipes Review.

Grillicious Wipes Features
- Flavors: Onion, Mesquite, Rosemary, Habanero, Garlic, Hickory Smoke
- Made in the USA
- Non-Stick
- Uses 100% USDA Organic High Heat Healthy Cooking Oil
- Non-Toxic
- 100% all-natural ingredients
- Recyclable and Resealable Packaging
What Did We Think?
When we heard about Grillicious Wipes it seemed too good to be true: easy to use, cleans your grill, non-stick, and adds unique flavors. I got 4 of their six flavors to test and then fired up the grill.
First, get your grill warmed up, before using Grillicious Wipes. Once it starts getting warm grab a set a tongs and start to drag the grill wipe over your grill grates. You will see the grates getting moisture, as you run the wipes across.
I started with the Mesquite flavor on some thick steaks. I used one wipe over the entire 4 burner grill. In hindsight I would start using 2 wipes if doing the entire grill. When the steaks came off there was a pleasant mesquite flavor on each steak. The flavor is subtle and will not overpower your food. Did I mention the amazing aroma of these mesquite wipes too?
In my second use I decided to use 1 Grillicious Wipe, habanero, over a smaller portion of the grill. In this test I put a chicken breast on the ‘treated’ grill grates and then another one on the ‘untreated’ grill grates to better gauge flavor and the non-sticking capabilities. For the non-sticking claims I did not feel it added a noticeable amount of difference from the normal grill grates.
Taste test time. I tried the habanero chicken and then the normal chicken breast. At first taste I didn’t feel like I tasted much spice, but as I ate the second and third pieces I could taste and feel some of the heat from the habanero wipes. As noted, these Grillicious Wipes will add a subtle hint of flavor to the food you grill.
Finally, these wipes do help clean your grill! They may not clean a grill as well as a tool designed just for cleaning, but they do help clean the grill, as you can see the wipes are picking up the char from the grill when you’re done using them.
It would be pro move for there to be recommendations for suggested types of foods to use with each Grillicious Wipes flavors, printed on each package.

PROS: Easy to use, adds hint of flavor, all-natural
CONS: The non-stick feature could be better
Overall, if you’re a grill master I would recommend giving these a shot to see how they impact your grilling game. The mesquite flavor is my favorite so far, let me know what flavor you enjoy the best!
Learn more and get your own by visiting GRILLICIOUS WIPES.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 6/24/23