A tabletop fire pit that creates a mesmerizing vortex flame, can keep mosquitoes away and can even be used indoors? It’s not a dream it’s the HaloFire Torch. In this Tailgating Challenge we go deeper to see how this performs and if it’s worth your money. Thanks for reading our blog on the HaloFire Torch Review.

HaloFire Features
-Gator Bowl can provide flames for up to 5 hours (vs 1.5 hours for normal model)
-Can use no smoke oil for indoors or citronella for outdoor use
-Made in the USA
-Tempered Safety Glass
-Sets up in seconds
-Vortex fire flames controlled with included spinners

What Did We Think?
I had my eyes on this fire pit for years. Yes I said years. Those that know me understand I enjoy a good fire pit and this fire pit screamed unique to me. I finally got my hands on a couple of these HaloFire torches and quickly set one up to see it in action.
Set up takes around a minute. You need to set up the base, add the glass panels, pour the oil/fuel into the base, then light it up. One tip on your first use, you may have trouble with the glass panes going in, see the below video on making these slide in smooth.
Once the fire is going it will reach full heat/height in around 10 minutes. There are trimmers/spinners that you can use to maintain the height of the flame and also preserve the fuel. The outdoor fuel will need a trimmer, as the flame can really get going. The indoor fuel did not need a trimmer, as the height of the flame did not grow past the top of the HaloFire.
Speaking of fuel the outdoor fuel has citronella in it to keep the mosquitos away. We had our worst season for the skeeters in CO and setting these up helped big time. Using a few of these in different locations can help keep more of the bugs away. The outdoor fuel produces a light black smoke and will get on the glass panes. This will quickly wipe away. The indoor fuel does not produce smoke and also has a smaller flame height to help minimize fire concerns within your home.
Finally, and most importantly the flame. The flame is AMAZING, I could sit there and watch the fire spin and vortex for hours and that’s just what I did as with the Gator Bowl, since it can give you 5 hours of flame time! The normal container will give you around 1.5 hours of flame.

PROS: mesmerizing flame, keeps bugs away, indoor/outdoor use
CONS: concerned with the glass panes and breaking one with the carrying case
Overall, if you’re looking for an awesome tabletop fire pit that has one of the most amazing flames of all time, can keep the bugs at bay and be used indoors I encourage you to check out the HaloFire Torch.
Learn more and get your own by visiting HALOFIRE.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 8/2/23