Ready to boil water, make coffee, pop popcorn, heat up soup and more with a portable kettle? In this Tailgating Challenge we introduce you to an electric kettle that can do everything you just read and maybe more? Let’s find out in the Joulle Electric Kettle Review.

Joulle Kettle Features
-Aviation steel body
-Multifunctional lid
-Heat resistant wrap with handle
-3 modes: Drink, Eat, Pop
-No internal battery (will need 500 watt power source)
What Did We Think?
I love unique items that can do multiple things. Although I’m writing this review at the end of the summer, I already have visions with this Joulle Electric Kettle helping compliment my tailgating, as the temperature drops. Let’s dive into how each setting did.
The first setting is Drink. This can help you boil water, make tea, coffee, etc. When this setting is selected (and power given to the kettle) the water can come to a roaring boil in about 5 minutes. When doing this be careful when removing the lid, as the steam can come out and burn you.
The next setting is for Eat. This is to warm up soups, oatmeal etc. I poured a can of soup in the kettle and powered it on. In 2 minutes it was piping hot. If you leave it in there for 5 minutes the soup will be boiling, so less is more on this setting.
Finally the last setting is Pop. This is designed to help pop some popcorn. I would recommend adding a small amount of oil to the cooker and then some corn kernels. In 5-7 minutes (we tested at 5,000 elevation) the popcorn should be fully popped. There is no timer on this, so listen to the corn popping and cut it off when the popping slows down.
The Joulle itself looks and feels of solid construction. The heat resistant fabric felt good on your hand and also protects your hand from burning. One question I had is how easy would the Joulle be to clean after making popcorn and honestly it wasn’t too bad. Remember you should not place this unit in the dishwasher. I soaked it overnight and the next day it was easy peezy clean up of the popcorn.

PROS: Works effectively and quickly, clean looks, comfortable ergonomics when holding
CONS: no internal battery
Overall, if you’re looking to warm up with a hot drink, or food at your tailgate the Joulle Electric Kettle could bring a new level of cozy on the go.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 8/24/23