I love pizza and I love grilling, but how does one grill a pizza? Well it’s easier than you think with the help of the KettlePizza Gas Pro kit.
The KettlePizza Gas Pro kit can turn your current gas grill into a pizza making machine. The KettlePizza kit can make help you make a pizza oven quality pizza in your backyard. The Gas Pro insert is a stainless steel insert that goes on top of your current grill. You will also need a pizza stone (that can be included in one of their accessory packages) and also to note: this requires 3 burners minimum and cooking surface at least 24” wide, 17” deep. Now let’s get into my user experience of the KettlePizza Gas Pro kit.
I got the box in and immediately recognized the weight of this kit. The actual insert is pretty heavy and feels heavy duty. The only thing you have to put together is to add the thermometer to the insert (this is a simple screw that you twist on with your fingers) and then it’s ready to roll. The pizza stone, wooden pizza peel and grilling gloves also came with my package.
I put the insert on top of my 4 burner STOK grill and then fired the grill up. After this gets hot you will slide the pizza stone on top of the burners (under the insert) then allow the pizza stone to heat up for about 10 minutes.
While everything is heating up I made my pizza on the wooden pizza peel. On my first attempt I used flour to coat the bottom of the pizza peel and this didn’t work well. The hardest part of the entire process is getting the pizza to slide off the pizza peel and fit it between the insert and on top of the pizza stone. The first attempt made it on the stone, but it wasn’t pretty. On the first round, even though not pretty, the pizza tasted amazing. I learned a few things to perfect the process my second time:
-use corn meal instead of flour
-don’t make the pizza bigger than the pizza peel
-don’t load the pizza with so many toppings that it could have trouble fitting between the top of the insert and the pizza stone.
With those learnings, it was time for take two. On take two I made up a mushroom, spinach, and tomato pizza on homemade crust! I rolled the video and show you how I executed the hardest part of getting the pizza from the peel onto the stone. It worked much better the second time as I slid the pizza into the 600 degree grill that the KettlePizza insert helps to make.
I then let the pizza cook for a little under 10 minutes and pulled it off with a spatula, back onto the wooden pizza peel.
It was time for the moment of truth, how did the pizza taste? It was amazing, as everyone that sampled gave it two thumbs up.
PROS: cooks an awesome pizza on a grill…need I say more
CONS: it is heavy and bulky to store when not in use.
If you’re ok with grabbing a frozen pizza and sliding it in the oven then maybe this isn’t the product for you. BUT if you’re serious about your pizza and about grilling then the KettlePizza is a must.
Step your pizza game up and get yours HERE