Have you ever overcooked or undercooked your food? If you’re not using a grilling thermometer, this can happen. There are plenty of grilling thermometers out there that have wires, but we are shifting towards the wireless grilling revolution. In this review we are checking out the Meat It 3 Grilling Thermometer. Is this a grilling thermometer that you need to be a grilling champion? Let’s find out in this new Tailgating Challenge.
Meat It 3 Features
-Triple Temperature Sensors
-320 ft range
-50 hour battery life
-Dishwasher safe
-Easy to use app
What Did We Think?
We love grilling and have tested a variety of grilling thermometers over the years. When testing a wireless thermometer, I want to focus on ease of use, connectivity, and does it help make grilling easier?
Let’s start with the App. You will need to download the app and pair the Meat It 3 to your phone. I was impressed with the app as it gives me everything I need for grilling. It has a variety of meats to choose from and then you can select how well done you like your meat. The app also has a flare up alert so if you get a fire flaring up on your grill you get an alert. This can help save your meat! The app also gives you a reminder in advance of when it’s time to get ready to pull it off the grill. Finally, if your meat needs to rest the app can tell you how long before you need to dig in.
We know the app is extremely helpful and easy to use, but lets get further into overall ease of use. The thermometer easily pairs with your phone and has good weight to it, so it can easily puncture and slide into your favorite cut of meat. When you’re starting your cook keep the thermometer base close to the thermometer, as this will give you greater range when you walk away from your grill.
Speaking of range, this gives you solid range when you step away from your grill. I can walk all over my house and I kept connectivity and could get updates on how the cook is going. Reminder you will get less range if there are walls in-between you and the grill. A wide-open parking lot will give you max range with connectivity.
In cooking ribs and pork tenderloin the Meat It 3 made the cooking so much easier! I got alerts from inside my house if anything needed my attention. When using a single probe I recommend placing it in the thickest cut/part of the meat. You can also pair up to 4 of these together to really get dialed in cooking. There are also 3 different temperature sensors to give you precise temperature readings of your meat and the ambient grilling temperature.
When you’re done the Meat It 3 can be tossed in the dishwasher, or hand washed to be ready for your next tailgating grilling session.

PROS: comprehensive app, easy to use, long range connectivity, long battery life
CONS: none in our early tests will update long term
Overall, if you’re looking to dial your grilling in and become a grilling champion the Orka Meat It 3 could be just what the tailgating doctor ordered.
Learn more and get your own by visiting ORKA. Save with promo code ‘tailgating’ $10 off.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 4/27/24