Want a great looking grill loaded with features? In this review we check out the Monument Grills 4 burner gas grill. This edition comes in multiple colors to help your grill stand out from the sea of basic styled grills. It’s time to get fired up and into the Monument Grills colorful 4 burner grill review.

Monument Grill Features
-723 sq. inches of cooking area
-Porcelain-coated, cast-iron cooking grates
– Stainless flame tamers
-Built-in Clear View Lid
-72,000 BTU’s
-Blue LED control knobs
-One side burner and one ceramic side sear burner

What Did We Think?
The color of this grill drew my eye when I was searching for our next grill. The Monument Grills colorful edition comes in red, blue and green. Blue is our favorite color, but it was hard to choose, as they all stood out from the sea of ‘normal’ grills.
After the grill was assembled I knew I made the right decision with this grill choice, it looked amazing. In addition to the colorful styling, it also had blue LED control knobs for night grilling. These compliment the grill well and give it a luxurious touch at a reasonable price point ($499.99 at time of blog). There is a USB plug that you can add a flexible LED light to help with night grilling (sold separately). This add on does help you see the grill much better at night. See the video below to see it in action.
This model has 72,000 BTU’s and it heats up fast. It heated up faster and held the heat better than my old 4 burner grill, that it replaced. It also was able to achieve higher temperatures than my prior grill. It took a few cooks to get used to this new found heating power, but I’m appreciating the upgrade.
The grill has a push button start and is a breeze to get fired up. On my last grill I upgraded the grill grates, with these I’m not so sure I will need to, as they give good grill marks with the factory set. The surface of the grill holds a relatively consistent heat and there aren’t the hot and cold spots that some grills are known for.
One of my favorite aspects of this grill is the Clear View Lid. This allows you to see what you are grilling without having to open the lid and release the precious heat. It’s a well-known fact that opening the grilling lid causes fluctuations in the temperature and impacts the food you are grilling. One worry I had is how clear it will stay over time. A few months in and it still looks crystal clear.

PROS: stylish, LED knobs, USB plug for light, clear view lid, heats up quickly and maintains temperature
CONS: We will keep an eye on the clear view lid to see if it smokes, or blackens over time (still fully clear at time of review)
Overall, if you’re looking for a grill that stands out, is loaded with unique features, and is at a reasonable price point the Monument Grill Colorful 4 burner grill could be for you. If those things don’t interest you how’d you read this far down in our review:)
Learn more and get your own by visiting MONUMENT GRILLS.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 6/6/23