We have been to our fair share of tailgates and loaded cooler after cooler with not only drinks, but bags of ice. Something happens with each bag, it eventually melts! Why not have a cooler that can actually keep your drinks cold without ice? Well that’s now possible with this NewAir Solar Powered cooler! This cooler can keep drinks cold with the power of the sun. If you’re tired of buying ice read on in the Newair Solar Powered Cooler Review.

Newair Solar Powered Cooler Features
-Telescopic Handle
-Dual Temperature Zones
-Ability to add internal battery and/or Solar Panel
-Cools down to -4 degrees F.
-48 Quart capacity
-Weight=41 lbs
-LG compressor

What Did We Think?
We had previously tested the 80 quart version of this cooler (You can see this review HERE). That cooler was big and also left me wanting an internal battery. Newair helped solve both of these pain points by making this new cooler into a 41 quart version and now gives you the option of buying an internal battery.
The battery and the solar panel are both optional upgrades that do not come with the purchase of the cooler. The battery can charge the cooler between 4-5 hours and it will depend on how hot it is outside and how cold you’re trying to run this cooler. The solar panel can help keep the battery charged, but if you’re low on battery and trying to run super cold the amount of solar charge may not keep up with your use. The solar panel is great to help keep things charged, but I think of it as a trickle charge vs. plugging the cooler in to an electrical outlet.
The cooler itself is a great size and even at 41 pounds is highly portable with the telescopic handle and rugged wheels. There is a built in bottle opener, so you’re not looking around when you need to crack a cold one open.
The cooler has interior lights, so you can see exactly what you’re grabbing when night falls and there is a cutting board on the underside of the cooler lid. This can come in handy when cutting some fruit for your mixed drinks.
The Newair cooler gets down to ice cold temp in less than an hour. What we saw on our model during this is that the digital temperatures would not lock in. The temps would fluctuate a little above or below the preset temps and we never got them to fully lock in during our tests. The cooler was still keeping things cold, but this was strange, as on our last unit this was not an issue.
One tip when using the battery you will get an F1 error unless you change the battery protection mode from High down to Medium/Low. This tripped me up when first using the battery pack and once I understood this the battery worked as advertised.
PROS: Now has option for battery and solar charging, sleek look, wheels help get this over many types of terrain, interior lights, dual temperature zones
CONS: Digital Temperatures don’t lock in to selected temps
Overall, by making a smaller version that you can now have an internal battery with this cooler is evolving in front of our eyes. If you’re looking for a cooler that will ensure you don’t need to buy bag after bag of ice this could be just what you need.
Learn more by visiting Newair.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 6/1/22