Remove the frustrations of lighting a fire pit, or charcoal with a torch lighter. These lighters have started to gain popularity in recent years and we got our hands on the newest mini flamethrower (is what we like to call them) in the Orion ‘O’ Torch. Let’s get fired up and into the Orion ‘O’ Torch Review.
O Torch Features
-Spark to flame ratio 4:1
-Push to light
-Up to 2,400 degrees F
-Easy connect
-Stands upright

What Did We Think?
We have tested multiple torch lighters over the last few years and always enjoy testing out the latest and greatest. When testing a torch lighter we want to look at ease of use and the power of the flame.
First, let’s discuss the ease of use. With the Orion ‘O’ Torch Lighter it was as simple as screwing in a 1 pound propane tank then twisting the knob, slightly, to open the propane. You then push the button in and presto you have flame. It lights easily with a single push. The Pro Tip is that you should only open the propane up a little bit when lighting it. If you have too much gas it won’t light correctly. You can then twist knob counterclockwise to get a stronger, more blue, flame. The torch lighter will also stand up when you place it down, not all torch lighters will do this.
Next up the flame. This is the most cost-efficient torch lighter I’ve used, so I wanted to place it beside a competitor to check the flame length and strength of flame. It was almost the exact same as a major competitor (you can see this head to head in the video below.

PROS: easy to light, fun color, stands upright, cost effective, drastically cuts lighting time for fire pits and charcoal
CONS: none yet, but have my eye on the barrel of the torch lighter for fading or discoloration over time.
Overall, if you’re looking a cost-effective torch lighter that can compete with torch lighters at a higher price point the Orion ‘O’ Torch could be for you.
Learn more and get your own by visiting ORION.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 3/25/23