Ready for your next drinking game challenge? Check out PONG-O from the fine folks at Bag Toss.
Tailgating and having fun go hand in hand. I’m sure that we all play some type of tailgating games on a regular basis. There are a few standard tailgating games that you see at most tailgates, but are you tired of the same old games and need something new at your tailgate? Check out PONG-O, its a new game from the good folks at Bag Toss.
PONG-O is an easily portable tailgating game that puts a spin on some popular games. The PONG-O set comes with 7 red solo cups, the PONG-O stand and the ping pong balls to play the game. Set up is a breeze and you can break it down to fit in your ride with all of your other tailgating supplies.
In the game of PONG-O one player stands 9 feet away from the stand that has 7 cups in it. The offensive player tries to sink the ping pong balls into the cup to score points (Center cup = 4, Outer Cups = 2, Defensive catch = 1) Defensive points?!? Thats right in this game, just like football, the defense can score. The defensive player stands behind the PONG-O stand and if a ping pong ball bounces off a cup the player can catch it in the air and gain a point. You play to 21.
PROS: much smaller than and more easily portable than most tailgating games, unique game that will likely garner a crowd to see the latest and greatest game, reasonable price (currently $39.95) You can play with our without drinking involved so its family friendly.
CONS: It would be cool to have your team sticker on it or even better cut into the main pillar of the game to really make it yours.
All in all a unique game that is reasonably priced and something different. We recommend you try it out this tailgating season and let us know what you think!
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