You know we love yard games and we test out a ton of them, so we can help you figure out what games you need in your yard games arsenal. Our love of yard games led us to found National Yard Games Day and we work to bring our fans the top 10 yard games each year, to help celebrate this fun day. In our quest to find the best we found the Popongo game and knew it was time to put this one to our Tailgating Challenge. Now lets POP into the Popongo Game Review.
How to Play Popongo
Each game comes with 1 board, 9 cups and 10 balls. The cups have a number on them that corresponds to the number of points you receive for making the shot. There are 2 black cups, called equalizers, if you make a shot into this cup then your last points are erased!
You play to 50 points, we recommend starting with a smaller number when learning, and you have to get the EXACT amount of points you’re playing to, without going over.
Stand 15 feet away from the Popongo board for pros, or a little closer while you learn how to play the game.
Popongo Scoring
Make the ball into a cup you get that amount of points.
If your ball gets stuck between the cups you get 1 point.
If you get the cup in the equalizer, black cup, then you lose the last points you shot.

What Did We Think?
We love testing out new yard games and I like doing trick shots before I even start playing the game the normal way. You can see a host of fun trick shots in our video below.
Let’s keep the focus on actual game play that the majority of people will be participating in. After we placed the board and added the cups we walked back 15 feet and quickly learned this game was going to be challenging.
We tried shooting overhand, underhand, or bounce the ball into the cups. You will not be able to bounce on all playing surfaces. My favorite way to toss is overhand, but your individual results may vary.
Many of our shots appeared to be on point, but if they hit the edge of the cup they started bouncing away from scoring zone and showed us it would take a while to get into the zone.
As you play longer you will start to find what works for you, so don’t feel frustrated if you see numerous shots hit a cup and bounce off as you start to play. You can see in the video we had a few and those were just ones that made the final cut, there were many more.
The board is light and the cups and balls both have sacks to make this a portable game.
I like that the balls are brightly colored (yellow and blue) so they are easier to find when they shoot off the sides of the cup.
When a player hits that magic number that you’re playing to they yell out POPONGO, to let the world know they just dominated this new yard game.
PROS: fun trick shots, multiple ways to score, portable, brightly colored balls.
CONS: don’t get discouraged by the challenge when you first start
Overall, I like the portability and this being a game with multiple scoring opportunities. If you want a game that brings the challenge and the fun time to check out Popongo.
Learn more and get your own by visiting POPONGO.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 4/5/22