Ready to light charcoal with ease and speed? Gone are the days of matches, tons of lighter fluid and even ‘normal’ lighters. The RocketFire Torch was designed to make it easy to light your charcoal. In this Tailgating Challenge, we put the RocketFire Torch to the test. Let’s get fired up and into the RocketFire Torch Review.
RocketFire Torch Features
-25,000 BTU’s
-2,000 degrees of heat
-60 degree tri flame spread
-Rawhide lanyard for hanging
-Uses standard CGA600 propane or MAP/PRO gas canisters
-50-70 lights per canister

What Did We Think
I am a big lover of fire and lighting a fire is key to making it epic. I used to struggle with getting a fire going, but have found some unique tools to get the fire going. When I saw the RocketFire torch I knew I had to test this out. Seeing the triple blue flames coming out of the RocketFire quickly drew may attention.
The RocketFire was designed with a primary focus on getting your charcoal going, quickly. The tri flames can attack the charcoal with heat up to 2,000 F!
When I opened up the RocketFire Torch I could see the quality of the stainless components. The triangle screw on tip helps create the unique tri flame. This accessory has some weight to it, which let me know it is a high-quality product.
After screwing the tip on I also hooked up a 1-pound propane tank: pro tip do not over tighten the propane. Cut the propane tank on with the circular dial on top of the RocketFire. Then pull the trigger, bottom, to spark the flame. There is a continuous flow button that can keep the flame locked and going once you release the trigger.
When the RocketFire is lit it sounds like a small jet engine about to take off. The blue flames quickly light fire pits, other torches, charcoal and even s’mores!
The RocketFire lit easily, looked awesome, had big heat, helped light fires easily and is made from quality materials. The feedback I had is that it may not stand up as easily and the tip gets extremely hot, so be careful where you put it after use. Side note, they are making a custom case that can handle the heat where you can place the RocketFire after use.

PROS: easy to light, high temp flames, looks awesome, quality materials
CONS: may not stand up with ease (a case is in the works soon) the tip can get some blemishes
Overall, this is a fun, easy and fast way to light your fire pit, or charcoal grill. If you’re looking to upgrade your grilling experience and impress your friends it’s time to take off with the RocketFire Torch.
Learn more and get your own by visiting ROCKETFIRE TORCH.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 8/22/23