We love fire pits here at Tailgating Challenge and just found the smallest fire pit that we have ever tested. Let me introduce you to the Serotonin Outdoors Mini Fire Pit. This fire pit folds up to fit in the palm of your hand and can be assembled in less than a minute. Honey I shrunk the fire pit! Let’s get into the Serotonin Outdoors Mini Fire Pit Review.
Mini Fire Pit Features
-Weighs less than a pound
-Folds Flat
-Assembles in seconds
-Titanium or Stainless Steel
-Ability to use multiple fuel sources (wood pellets, sticks, and can hook up mini propane tank too)
What Did We Think?
This fire pit is small! It comes in a small black carrying case that made me wonder if all the parts were included. I thought there is no way there is enough in there to make a good fire pit. Spoiler Alert, I was wrong!
Set up takes less than a minute. You can see the set up in the video below, but it fits together piece by piece and is a cool looking fire pit once you have it set up.
This miniature fire pit is able to use wood pellets, sticks, twigs and even has an optional hook up for propane. We tested wood pellets and twigs during our testing. There is a small hole that you can stick a lighter into to light, or you use a torch lighter as we did in the video too.
The Serotonin Outdoors fire pit has secondary burn that helps reduce smoke when the fire is fully stoked. This works, but as the fire gets lower it does produce smoke and we’d suggest have a small fire poker to stoke the fire and keep it going to help reduce smoke. With this said when the fire is going you can feel the heat coming off of it!
There is also a grilling top addition or stove pot addition to help with cooking for a ‘small’ crew. The total grilling surface is tiny so something to note.

PROS: small, compact, puts out good heat for size, easy set up, unique styling
CONS: Would like slightly larger bag to more easily get fire pit back in carrying case, when fire gets low good amount of smoke will come out, if using pellets or smaller materials they can escape through the small gap at the bottom
Overall, if you are low on space this tiny fire pit could be the perfect companion for your next tailgating party or off the grid adventure.
Learn more and get your own by visiting SEROTONIN OUTDOORS.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 5/15/23