We love cornhole. It was the first yard game that we fell in love with and wow how it has evolved over the years. They even play cornhole on ESPN now, what’s next cornhole in the Olympics (we can only hope)? With the love of cornhole we have seen more innovation in this space with the newest being a seesaw style game called Tipping Point. As you stick your bags on the opposite side of the board it starts to tip the board away from you. This will totally change your next shot. Now let’s see how the Tipping Point Cornhole Game Review comes out in our latest Tailgating Challenge.
How to Play Tipping Point
- Players stand on opposite sides of the game board – 10 feet away from the board
- The object of the game is to throw your bean bags onto the board so that they land in the hole on the far side of the board or on top of the board on the far side.
- Youngest player throws first to start the game.
- After the initial throw, players alternate throws during the round until all bags are thrown.
- The player who won the previous round starts the new round. In the result of a tied score, the player who was previously winning goes first.
- All throws must be underhand.
- Points are tallied at the end of each round.
- Bean bags that land in the hole are worth 3 points, bean bags that land on top of the far side of the board are worth 1 point each. Points are tallied using cancellation scoring. For instance, if both players get 1 bean bag in their hole, no points are scored. If one player gets their bag in the hole, plus two bags on top of the board, and the other player gets one bag in the hole, and no bags on top, the first player gets 2 points for the bags on top and the bags in the holes cancel each other out.
- If a bean bag lands on the middle of the board touching both sides; the point is scored based on what side the majority of the bag is on.
- The bags that were on the board, and were knocked off during game play do not count for points. Only bags on the board and in the holes at the end of the round are tallied.
- First player or team to reach 21 points wins. The player must have a 2 point lead to win.

Tipping Point Game Play
When we first got the game we unboxed it and got ready to play, but we couldn’t find the bags. The bags were noted as being included, but they unfortunately were not with ours. I’ll share that normal cornhole bags will not work with this game.
We got with the company and they quickly got us the needed bags, so we could start tipping the board. The game comes with 3 red and 3 black bags. These bags are smaller than normal bags and have more of a pyramid shape. The bags also have tiny spot grips all over each bag.
The game sets up easily. You push the two red buttons on the side to open the game up. Then you are going to but the seesaw legs on each side and slide the unlock button, so the game is ready to tip back and forth.
Once the game was set up we lined up on opposite sides of the board and started to let the bags fly towards the opposite end of the board. The board is much smaller than your normal cornhole boards and so are the bags, so you’ll have to dial in your game. With boards being smaller and tipping in different directions, it is not as ‘structured’ as a normal game of cornhole and this is OK. It’s different and the world needs more different.
You have to get your bags on opposite side of the board for scoring. It will not count if you land a bag on the board, or in the hole, if it’s on the right side of the board.
When the game was fully tilted away from you the shots were the most challenging to get over the top and not have the bags slide off. When it’s tilted you can more easily knock off other bags that are on the board. This is the feature of this game that is unlike any type of cornhole you have ever played.
The game packs up easily and all the bags can lock within the boards. Much greater portability than standard cornhole boards.
PROS: fun new way to play cornhole, extremely portable
CONS: wish it was a little bigger, your standard cornhole bags will not work
Overall, this was a fun new way to play a classic. The tipping aspect of the game added a new challenge to the game and being able to hit the angles when the board starts to tip away from you. If you love all things cornhole then its time to play Tipping Point.
Learn more by visiting WICKED BIG SPORTS.
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We NEVER get paid for our reviews. This way we can always keep it real with our fans. We were sent one game to test out with the understanding that we’d give our honest opinions.
Written By: Luke Lorick 9/1/21