We love fire pits. They add warmth and ambience to our parties and will get people outside when there is a chill in the air. Here at Tailgating Challenge we love finding things that are so unique they will make your jaw drop. We think your jaw better be prepared, as you check out our latest blog on the Ukiah Note Review. This fire pit has built in speakers and a ‘party’ button that makes the flames dance to your favorite songs.

Ukiah Note Features
-Two 3.5 inch marine grade speakers
-Bluetooth Range 60 ft.
-Lithium Ion Battery (30 hours)
-Electric Starter
-Uses 20 pound propane tank
-Magnetic top
-Optional Grill Top accessory (sold separately)

Ukiah Note Set Up
This isn’t our first rodeo with Ukiah as we have been fans for a few years and tested out their Tailgater II and Loom II (check those video reviews out as well). Their fire pits have been easy to use and have literally impressed our guests every time we pull them out.
We got our hands on the Ukiah Note to see how it compared to some of the other models that we tested. What intrigued us was that this model was their most competitively priced option for their free standing fire pits that had the BTM (Beats To Music) technology. This is the technology that allows the fire to actually dance to the music that you are playing!
Set up on the Ukiah Note is simple, as you just need to put the AA battery in for the electric ignition and then hook up your 20 pound propane tank.
Then twist the knob and you’ll hear the starter fire and gas release, as the fire lights up. Now let the fun begin! You will see that you can adjust the flame from low to high and there is a setting for the music mode.
Music Mode
This is the part that makes this fire pit special. Remember to charge your battery (plug is at the base of the system) so you’ll have the ability to use the two marine grade speakers and the dancing to music technology.
Now that you have the battery charged and the fire lit let’s get this party started! Adjust the knob to Beats To Music and then push the power button on. The power button will light up blue when activated. Then you’ll pair your phone to the fire pit and pick out the song of your choice.
One your music is playing push the button that looks like a musical note and it will light up orange. You should see the flames dancing now to the song that you’re playing!
The two speakers put out pretty good clarity and volume, given they are built into a fire pit. I’d rate them 7 out of 10 as they won’t be the best speakers of all time, but do a fine job with this system.

Additional Thoughts
Let’s talk about the heat the Ukiah Note puts out. When on high there is a cozy ring of warmth a few feet around the fire. This won’t put out heat like a larger wood burning fire pit, but will keep those cozy who are around the fire pit.
There is an optional grill accessory. We didn’t have it for this review, but will update in the future.
The Ukiah Note is highly portable with a weight of 28 pounds and has handles on each side. There is also a magnetic lid to help with easy of transportation.
PROS: portable, easy set up, bluetooth speakers, beats to music technology
CONS: would be great to have a battery indicator to see how much charge is left
Overall, this is another win from the team at Ukiah. Easy set up, portability, music and the ability to have your guests jaws drop when the flames start dancing to music. The Ukiah Note will have a place in our tailgating and homegating parties moving forward.
Learn more by visiting UKIAH.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 2/21/22