An ottoman can add big time comfort to your home seating and some even have storage capacity. We found an affordable ottoman that adds comfort, looks good, has storage, and is even collapsible. In this new blog we check out the Yitahome Storage Ottoman Review.

Ottoman Features
-Faux Leather
-80L Storage area
-Folds up in seconds
-Dimensions: 30” L x 15” W x 16” H
What Did We Think?
When I saw the box it came in I was like no way there is an actual ottoman in there, it was so small. When I opened it up I quickly saw how it transformed into an ottoman.
The base is collapsible and when you expand it there is a flat panel that goes in the bottom. Then you place the padded top on and viola, you have an ottoman. Set is a matter of seconds.
Once it was set up I placed it in front of a chair and boom, instant comfort! The padded top provided some nice comfort. If anything I would say it could be a touch higher for the chairs I used, to be more parallel.
The styling is not bad for a $41.99 ottoman. It looks like it should cost more than what the current Amazon cost is. We got the faux leather to go with our decor, but they also had some other fabrics to choose from.
Finally, the storage is an added benefit that you can place items into to declutter an area. It has an 80L area and I was able to get quite a few smaller items into the ottoman.

PROS: great value, padded top, good styling, storage
CONS: could be a couple of inches taller
Overall, for the price is is an excellent ottoman. If you need an ottoman that provides storage, comfort and won’t break the bank, the Yitahome ottoman should be one you put on your list to check out.
Learn more and get your own HERE.
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We were sent a sample to check out with the understanding that we’d give our honest opinions.
Written By: Luke Lorick 9/29/22