We have a TON of koozies. Part of that is because we test out a wide variety of koozies to keep our tailgaters informed, but we also know that there are different koozies for different types of drinks. When you have a koozie that can help fit numerous drinks then it can be a win. Let’s get into the Zip Sip Zipper Koozie Review and see how to UNZIP possibilities.
Zip Sip Koozies
-Dual Zippers to help expand the koozie
-Fits Cans
-And Bottles
-Also Slim Cans
-Fits Red Cups
-Don’t Forget Pint Glasses
-Magnetic Option
Koozie Testing
We grabbed some cans, bottles, red cups and pint glass to see how this Zip Sip koozie would fare in our new Tailgating Challenge.
When fully zipped up the koozie easily allows cans and bottles to be inserted. Now it was time to unzip our koozie and see what else would fit in there. When both zippers were down we were able to insert pint glasses and red cups in too. I love drinking a cold beer out of a pint glass and if it’s hot outside keeping this koozie on the glass will make the temperature of the drink even colder. There are other koozies that can fit pint glasses but they are either designed only for pint glasses or they are bulkier, hard koozies that aren’t as easy to slide in your pocket.
These koozies come in fun designs and there is even an option for magnets on the koozie. This is the option in the Hold My Beer koozie. There are strong magnets on one side that allow it to be placed on things like a fridge, vehicle, grill, etc. The magnets are strong too and will hold up even with a full beer inside.
There was one style of red cup that fit into the Zip Sip, but it didn’t sit flush, so when you place it down, with little drink in the cup, it could tip over.
The Zip Sip Koozie can hold a variety of beverage containers, but make sure you check that yours is in there correctly.

PROS: Magnetic option, unique designs, ability to use on standard drinkware along with cups and pint glasses
CONS: Not all cups fit and some fit but may not sit flush
Overall, I like that they have taken the standard neoprene style koozie and given it more options. There are multiple ‘hard’ koozies that now convert to accept different types of drinkware, but this is the first soft koozie that can help transform your drinking experience.
Learn more and get your own by visiting ZIP SIP.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 6/26/21