Trucks put the tailgate in tailgating. I love testing out new trucks and see how they set up for the ultimate tailgating experience. In our latest test we got our hands on the 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning. This is the first electric vehicle we have tested and were intrigued to see if more tailgating vehicles should become electric in the future. I was able to get behind the wheel of this vehicle for one week to give my initial thoughts on the 2022 Ford F-150 Lightning.
On the surface the Ford Lightning doesn’t scream that it’s totally electric. When compared to the normal F150 there are a few nuances: Lightning Badges, unique rims and unique lighting around the grill.
When you park and pop the hood everyone will know the F150 Lightning is different. It has a FRUNK! A trunk in the front. We could store our cooler and other gear under the hood. This could be a win if you need to secure items from weather/theft vs. leaving them in the open bed.
The tailgate is all electric and can be opened via key fob. There is a hidden step that allows you to easily get into the back of the tailgate. While you’re in the bed of the truck there are also lights and power solutions to keep your tailgate powered.

Electric Charging
The truck gets 285 miles per charge and when we started to get low I plugged in the ‘trickle’ charger that is supplied. Spoiler alert, this charges the vehicle rather slowly. How slowly you ask? To the tune of 2 miles per hour. It could take 100+ hours to get a full charge with this method.
After we learned we would need to charge faster we found a charging station at a nearby business. I was surprised how many electric charging stations there were around me that I had never noticed before.
The one we chose got it fully charged in 12 hours. Still a long time but better than days with our other option.
In doing more homework, there are other charging stations that can charge must faster and you can outfit your home with a professional charging station. I’d have to install this if I ever go fully electric.

Driving Experience
This is the best part of this vehicle and also takes some getting used to. It has plenty of power but a few unique things that gas powered vehicles don’t posses.
First, lets talk about the noise this vehicle makes…..There is nothing to say here as it is totally silent! I didn’t even know the engine was on. Further even at higher speed the vehicle has good sound dampening. One of the most peaceful drives I have ever taken.
Next, regenerative braking. This took me a moment to get used to. If you take your foot off the gas it will start to stop automatically. If you’re driving around a neighborhood you’ll be able to stop at stop signs without even touching the brakes.
This vehicle does feel like a bigger truck when driving. When pulling into parking spaces slowly the vehicle would stop and could create some challenges with slow speed maneuvers in tight spaces.
Finally, the need for speed! The torque and pick up on this truck is insane! When you hit the gas you will get planted in your seat. The power band is smooth, as there are no gears to shift. If you want speed in a big vehicle this will exceed expectations. After turning this vehicle back in, I drove my mustang and it felt slow compared to driving the Lightning for a week.

Conclusion on the Ford Lightning
PROS: speed, smooth ride, quiet
CONS: have to solve charging, would like longer range than 285 miles
Overall, the ride quality and speed of this Ford Lightning is unlike any other full size pickup I’ve driven. I thought I’d miss the rumble of the engine, but actually came to enjoy the quiet this electric truck was able to provide.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 9/27/22