8 Ideas To Keep You Entertained During A Lengthy US Road Trip

Taking a break from the mundanity of life is essential at times. Getting away from the office and
throwing caution to the wind alongside your favorite folks is the sort of thing that can rejuvenate
your ability to keep the stresses of life getting to you once you return. A popular choice for a
vacation is the humble road trip. Taking a car across state lines with very little planning can be a
great way to inspire you as you stumble across curiosities and strange, small-town locales. However,
there is one almost-guaranteed problem that you’ll experience on a road trip. That is the expected
boredom you’ll experience during particularly long stretches of the route. It’s crucial then to come
prepared with some ideas about keeping yourself and other passengers entertained during these
times. Here are a few of our almost foolproof ideas to help you out.

Learn About Your Friends

The most obvious way to treat your boredom on those long and winding roads is to socialize with
your travel companions. You’ve got plenty of time on your hands to start asking each other some
questions about your lives, taking on some tough topics, or simply setting the world to rights. The
chances are, however, that you’ve already considered this as it is basic human nature to want to
engage each other in conversation. So instead, consider getting everyone to choose a few things
they wish to discuss with each other, or go through a list of conversation-sparking road trip
and make your way through those topics over the course of the journey.

Discuss Future Trips

If this is a group of people you enjoy spending time with and you all get along, for the most part, you
might want to think about some other things you’ll want to do in the future. Go around everyone in
the car and find out what sorts of group vacations they want to try in the future. This can be a great
way to pass the time and make some plans for the next vacation. Discussing these things early on as
a group can be a necessity for certain vacations. Another road trip won’t necessarily require much
planning or saving up, but a month-long trip to Australia or Japan, for example, is going to require
some consideration at least.

Make Up A Quiz

Many of us enjoy flexing our minds with quiz games. Making up your own set of questions can be a
great way to engage with everyone in the car and have some fun. Consider getting everyone to
make up a set of questions and take turns hosting some quizzes. The topics can be about anything,
including something that you might be an expert on, but be wary not to overcomplicate your
questions as you might just end up making everyone else feel deflated if they can’t answer anything.
It’s often better to pepper in some general knowledge questions alongside your chosen topic.

Try Some Group Games

If you’re still looking for some things to do as a group, you could try your hand at some party games.
You can play many different games, with or without the help of tech. If you’re using your phones,
you could consider some of the many party games you can find on app stores and browsers. You can
find quiz games, competitive card games, and even some specific road trip travel games such as
chess and noughts and crosses. Just remember to choose a game that isn’t going to distract whoever
is driving.

Play A Solo Game

Of course, it’s worth remembering that road trips can last for days, and it’s understandable if your
social battery is running low after a while. You can play plenty of games alone if you’d rather do that
for a while. You could grab yourself a puzzle book for the trip or download something to your

smartphone. Just be prepared that road trips often result in the occasional loss of connectivity,
especially when driving across deserted areas. If you have a connection, you could also play browser-
based games, including online casino games such as online slots and even live table games,
potentially winning you some real cash. You can find many that offer special bonuses too via the
following link: www.OnlineCasinos.co.uk

Listen To A Podcast

Another way to distance yourself from a boring stretch of your journey while also recharging your
social energy levels is to listen to a podcast. There are countless different types of podcasts available
out there, ranging from true crime to comedy and everything in between. Podcasts can be a great
way to distract yourself while also enjoying some entertainment based on your own personal
interests. If it’s a shared interest with others in the car, you could also listen together, inspiring you
for future conversations on the trip. There are a few different apps you can use to listen to podcasts,
and many allow you to download episodes, as well, in case you have limited internet connectivity
when you want to listen.

Learn A Language

You could also spend this time learning a new skill, such as learning a language. There are many
language-learning apps out there, such as Duolingo and Babbel, which use varying methods to help
you pick up a language. While you won’t necessarily be able to learn a language fluently during the
course of a road trip, this is a great time to practice and pick up the basics as you’ll have a lot of free
time on your hands. You could work together if any of your friends are interested in learning a new
language. It’s actually much easier to learn a language with someone else as you can practice with
each other.

Document Your Trip

A common problem people have after they finish their vacation is not having enough content to
reflect on and reminisce. The occasional photo is great, but this won’t truly give a good idea of what
you do on your vacation, especially on a road trip. One way in which you can kill some time is to
keep up with documenting your entire trip by shooting a travel video. Record often so you have
plenty of things to choose from when editing, and try to make things interesting with different types
of content rather than just general shots of the passing scenery out of the window.

Guest Post from: Luca Yates 3/17/23

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