We love coolers around here at Tailgating Challenge. We have tested numerous coolers that have helped many make the right decision on their next tailgating cooler. There are many things to consider when buying a cooler from size, portability and other unique features to ensure it fits your needs. Today we check out an ultra portable cooler from Igloo Coolers. Igloo Coolers have been around since 1947 and their latest offering of the KoolTunes NFL Cooler could be their best yet. Of course that is a bold statement, so let’s get into the KoolTunes NFL Igloo Cooler Review to see what you think.

KoolTunes Features
-14 quart cooler
-2 five watt bluetooth speakers
-ip56 water rated
-Up to 10 hours audio playback
-Holds up to 26 cans
-All NFL teams available

What Did We Think?
We have the original 49ers NFL playmate cooler and we loved the portability. It repped our fav NFL team and was highly portable, but we knew it could be made even better. Luckily, Igloo felt the same way and brought out this KoolTunes NFL cooler.
This cooler is larger than the original playmate cooler, so we were able to get more ice and beers into our cooler. This fit our lifestyle better, as it gave us that extra space needed for what we needed when we took the party on the road. This new cooler is double the size of the original 49ers Playmate cooler that we had.
Did we mention that this has a built in sound system? Sure we have tested coolers that have built in sounds systems before, but never have I seen one as portable as this and the NFL styling that is on each lid.
Let’s talk sound. The speakers are 5 watts and connect to a Bluetooth device to play your favorite tailgating songs. These speakers have crisp highs and decent lows for what they are. We tossed a cup of water at these speakers and they kept on pumping out the tunes. Overall, for the size and watts these speakers didn’t disappoint.
The cooler itself has amazing styling that really reps your NFL team of choice. The only thing that I believe would take this coolers styling to the next level is LED light rings in each speaker. Lights that come on in your favorite teams colors will make this an epic night cooler.
Finally, let’s talk about the cooling powers of this KoolTunes Cooler. We poured 5 pounds of ice into the cooler and took it to the party. We opened the cooler a few times throughout the night and 24 hours later I checked and there was a few chunks of ice left, but the water was still ice cold. This cooler is good for keeping things chilled for a day of tailgating, but if you’re looking for something to keep ice for days move on to a rotomolded cooler.

PROS: perfect size for portable tailgating, nice speakers, great team styling
CONS: Keeps ice for about 24 hours
Overall, if you’re looking for a portable cooler that can represent your team and let’s you play your favorite music anywhere then the KoolTunes NFL cooler could be just what you need this football season.
Learn more by visiting IGLOO COOLERS.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 8/22/22