Sure you’ve heard of lobster rolls, but what about lobster sliders? We love different here at Tailgating Challenge and knew that between our love of sliders and lobsters we had to bring the two together. We teamed up with Kings Hawaiian, Main Lobster Now and Burnie Grill to make our lobster sliders a reality. Get ready for something delicious in our latest Lobster Sliders Recipe.

In our first attempt at lobster sliders we present the following ingredient list
-Fresh Lobsters from Main Lobster Now
-Kings Hawaiian Slider Rolls
-Fresh Basil Leaves
-Mozzarella Cheese
-Truffle Oil

-Step one fire up the Burnie Grill.
-Finely Chop Mushrooms.
-Rinse Basil Leaves.
-Pour Truffle Oil into non-stick pan and add mushrooms to sauté (simmer until brown).
-Place Lobsters on properly heated Burnie Grill. Use an oil to keep the meat moist.
-Brown buns on non-stick pan, we used Bacon Up, to lightly toast the bottom of each slider bun.
-Build your sliders and enjoy.

Would We Lobster Sliders Again?
We most definitely would! These were delicious. If I had to do it again I would change the cheese up as the mozzarella was too mild. I’d likely try something like a cheddar or Havarti when I do this again. The one must is that you have to toast the buns, that is a game changer.
Let me know what would you change with the ingredients list and of course tag us in pics if you make your own lobster sliders.
Thanks to these companies that helped make this recipe come to life:
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Written By: Luke Lorick 4/24/22