I have never been much of a fan for taking a bath, in a tub. I feel like as I grew up I graduated from this, but I’ve found a way to have some fun in the tub with bringing beer into the mix. There are beer spa’s out there that we have been to (watch HERE) and we loved it. Now we can create the beer spa at home thanks to the Vital You Beer Bath Bomb Review.
Features of Beer Bath Bomb
The official name of this bath bomb is: HOP ON TOP CBD BATH BOMB
200mg CBD
Citra Hops
Essential Oils
Eldorado Hop Oil

What did we Think?
Let me give the back story first. Last weekend my wife was going to spend some time getting ready in the bathroom and wanted me to hang out and soak in the tub. I was like with a beer I’ll go hang out. She then put a bath bomb in the tub and my mind went straight to: There Has To Be A Beer Bath Bomb Right? I immediately got to looking for one, while I was in the tub, and found this Vital You Beer Bath Bomb.
I was surprised there are NOT many options for beer bath bombs and it took me longer to find than I anticipated.
We got a few of these Hop On Top bath bombs in and poured a hot bath while letting the camera roll, check full video at end of blog.
There is a giant Citra hop in the center of the bath bomb. When we took a smell it had more of a sweet, orange smell. I’d love it if there was more of a hoppy smell.
When you drop the beer bath bomb in the water it starts to activate immediately and little pieces of hops start to shoot out, around the tub. This created that similar feel of the beer spa that we went to.
Does the CBD do Anything?
In short I’ll say that I think it does! Remember these bath bombs have 200mg of CBD. CBD has potential health benefits that can help with pain/injuries with topical application.
Before I got in the tub I had a toe on each foot that had that pesky tingling, due to some lower back issues, and after 30 minutes of soaking both toes felt better than they had in weeks.
Again I’m not making any wild miracle cure statements here, but sharing my experience that was an added benefit that I totally did not expect.
PROS: hops are in the bomb, the CBD may have helped me feel better, created a fun tub party
CONS: my only feedback would be to make the beer bath bomb smell more like hops
Overall, grabbing a cold beer and dropping in the beer bath bomb makes me want to get in the tub. Even better the CBD could help you feel better. Seems like a fun WIN.
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Thanks for reading our blog on the Vital You Beer Bath Bomb Review. Let us know what you think and any questions you have. Then go watch our fun video showcasing this beer bath bomb below. While you’re on YouTube make sure you hit that SUBSCRIBE button!
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We never get paid to give our opinion about the products that we test. This was we can keep it real with our fans. We were sent a sample from Vital You.
Written By: Luke Lorick 11/27/21