We love a good tailgating game and have tested numerous games in pursuit of finding the most unique games to bring to the tailgating party. We may have outdone ourselves with just how unique this new game is. Meet the Beer Puppeteer Game. You have to be a puppet master in order to bring the beer to your lips without spilling! Who’s up for this new drinking game challenge?

Beer Puppeteer How To Play
-Slide on the shoulder harness and then tighten up all
-Fill up a beer in red cup or other plastic cup and place into the circular opening
-Use the puppet handles to try and bring the beer to your mouth without spilling it
-If you have multiple games you can do speed challenges to see who can drink the beer first (without spilling)

What Did We Think?
We saw this on social media and knew this had to be something that we put to our Tailgating Challenge. The Beer Puppeteer Game comes in a variety of colors and only takes a few minutes to set up, before you’re ready to try to be a beer puppet master.
Speaking of set up, the game comes with a harness that connects to the back of the game at 4 different connection points. From there you’ll extend the long wooden beam that will lock into place. Now you’ll put the game on like a backpack. Once it is on you need to tighten up the harness points. Make sure it’s tight, as it allows the game function better. When fully tightened up the game sits upright and plays better.
Let’s get to playing this drinking game. Now that you have the game on you just need to pour a beer into a plastic cup. I say plastic, as you don’t want to play with glass in case if falls out. Red plastic cups also work with this game.
Now the ‘easy’ part drinking some beer. I say easy in quotes given that this truly is the challenge. Now you use the two handles to move the beer towards your mouth. You can make the beer go up and down by pushing down or letting up on the handles. To twist the cup towards your mouth you’ll want to put pressure at different points of the handles to angle the drink.
Another tip is lean backwards as the cup gets closer to your mouth to connect the cup with your lips.

PROS: challenging, will bring some smiles, unlike any other game we’ve played
CONS: some beer will spill!
Overall, this is a fun party game that will challenge you and your friends to not spill the beer! Do you think you’re up for the Beer Puppeteer Challenge?
Learn more and get your own by visiting BEER PUPPETEER.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 12/28/22