Hate Hangovers? We do too! You may have seen Cheers on Shark Tank and I thought this would be right up our alley to help tailgaters feel better after having an epic tailgating party. There are many items that claim to cure pesky hangovers so let’s get into the Cheers review and see how it does in our Tailgating Challenge.
What’s In Cheers
You can see the full list below, but what makes Cheers special is the Vine Tea Extract that is in each dose. This helps support your liver and process alcohol more efficiently. It is noted that Cheers has the highest amount of Vine Tea Extract (DHM) vs any competitor on the market.

What Did We Think?
I’ve tested numerous hangover solutions over the years and some work and others fall short. The science behind Cheers seemed to be sound and the ingredients, if nothing else, look extremely healthy. I had a few friends in town recently and put Cheers to the test in back to back nights.
After having multiple drinks I took 3 capsules of Cheers before I went to bed. I fell asleep right away but after 4 hours I woke up and it took hours to fall back asleep. I will say that when I woke up I felt good! I went on to literally climb a mountain the next day and was pretty impressed.
After climbing to the top of the mountain we went out for more drinks. As the evening wound down I took just 1 capsule and hit the sack. Again after about 4 hours I woke up and couldn’t fall back asleep. Again, I didn’t have any hangover symptoms when I woke up, but later in the day I did get tired. I attribute that to not getting enough sleep two nights in a row.
They make a bold guarantee that you will feel 50% better than your normal hangover or your money back. I believe they hit the mark for me and appreciate them putting a guarantee behind a hangover remedy. I have never seen that before!
PROS: healthy ingredients, easy to take, reduces hangover symptoms
CONS: Wasn’t able to sleep through the night.
Overall, I believe the ingredients in Cheers help reduce hangover symptoms and make you feel better the next day. Will it work for you? There is only one way to find out.
Learn more and get your own by visiting CHEERS.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 3/24/23