A portable chair can be a game changer when you need some comfort on the go. Having a small chair(s) in your vehicle can ensure you are always ready for whatever comes your way. In our quest to find amazing chairs we came across Crazy Creek Chairs. These hand held chairs claim to increase comfort and keep your backside dry from the wet ground. Let’s get into the Crazy Creek Chair Review and see how it does in the next Tailgating Challenge.

Crazy Creek Chair Features
- Adjustable for a wide range of sitting positions
- Protection from wet ground
- 420D coated ripstop nylon
- 600D Coated Polyester on Printed Chairs (Tie-Dye, Army & Coyote)
- High Density closed-cell foam padding for exceptional comfort (won’t absorb water!)
- Sturdy carbon-fiber support-stays
- 250 pound weight capacity
- 16.5″ L x 15.5″ D x 16.5″ H (foam 1/2″) 26 Ounces (1.6lbs)

What Did We Think?
We got a couple of the Crazy Creek Chairs in and I brought some of my tailgating assistants to help me test out these portable chairs.
These chairs are small and lightweight. I appreciate the portability and how easy they were to get around. Heck, you can carry many of them at one time. Check out the video below to see my newphew’s run a 40 yard dash while holding a Crazy Creek Chair.
The styling is fun. My favorite is the tie-dye version, but they have many color options to fit your personal tastes.
Ok, let’s get down to the most important thing: How do they feel? With any chair comfort reigns supreme with how we feel about them. These chairs may be small, but we found a couple things they provided BIG time comfort on. Specifically, sitting on the back of the tailgate and in the bleachers. These chairs took the pressure off the lower back and allowed you to lean back.
These chairs are also designed for use on the ground. At a tailgate I’m likely not going to sit on the ground, but when you’re out camping these can provide quick comfort and keep your rear end dry.
The chairs are adjustable with support. You will pull, or loosen the strap on each side to provide more or less support for your back.
Finally, when you are on the ground you can use these to really lean back and get comfortable. You can see in the video how adults to kids used these chairs to increase their gameday comfort.

PROS: portable, fun color combos, more comfortable than we thought they would be
CONS: for those mobility impaired using these on the ground could be challenging
Overall, Crazy Creek Chairs impressed us given their portability, style and comfort. Using them on the bleachers and the tailgate are our favorite ways. These are convenient chairs that you can leave in your vehicle so you’re always ready for any tailgating party. Are we ditching all of our tailgating chairs, no, but will we keep some of these in our vehicle, heck yeah!
Learn more and get your own by visiting Crazy Creek.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 10/12/22