We love having a full supply of cold beers on deck for our homegating parties. Newair is our favorite brand of home beer fridges and they just brought out a new collab with Stone Brewing. The Stone Brewing Beer fridge can hold 126 beers and has unique art on the top and sides to make it stand out. If you like cold beer and Stone Brewing let’s crack a cold one and get into the Newair Stone Brewing Beer Fridge Review.

Newair Beer Fridge Model:SBC126SB00 Features
-Holds up to 126 beers
-Chills down to 37 Degrees F
-7 cooling setting
-Interior LED light
-Unique Stone Brewing artwork on top and sides
-Removeable Shelves
What Did We Think?
This isn’t our first rodeo with Newair. We have test multiple beer fridges and even their electric tailgating coolers(search our blog/Youtubes to see others). Every Newair item we have tested has done well in our short term and long term test. When I saw this one I was confident it would perform well and it was the styling that really drew my attention. With that said let’s break down the main components for a beer fridge review.
The iconic Stone Brewing gargoyle is proudly displayed all over the outside of the beer fridge. There are hops growing all around this signature mascot. The styling looks great and the only thing that would be on my wish list is if they incorporated some graphics on the INSIDE of the beer fridge.
All beer fridges make some noise in their quest to make your beer cold. This one has a little noise you can hear from the back and if you open the door. The noise is not disruptive, but in a quiet room you can hear hear the hum when it cuts on. Based on the price point of this fridge ($399 at time of review) the noise is in line with a beer fridge of this price point.
This claims to hold 126 beers and will if you do it perfectly. There are removeable shelves that you can design to hold the beers you have. I don’t normally fully max a beer fridge out, but please note there is a bunch of space in this beer fridge.
Cooling Power
This beer fridge claims to get to 37 F and has 7 different cooling settings. I like my beers as cold as possible and set on the coldest setting ‘7’ and came back to temperature check an hour later. The majority of the fridge was at, or even below 37 degrees! You can see in the below video our temperature gun shared the temps with you in real time. There is no digital thermostat, which is another wish list item for me.

PROS: stylish art, large capacity for beer, chills colder than even what is claimed
CONS: Wishlist item would be a digital temperature display
Overall, if you love Stone Brewing beer this beer fridge should be in your home asap. It looks amazing and holds a ton of beer.
Learn more and get your own by visiting NEWAIR.
Save with promo code: TAILGATING10 for 10% off
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Written By: Luke Lorick 11/14/22