Flamethrowers are awesome. We have been using the smaller mini flamethrowers for starting up fire pits and grills, but when we saw the Exothermic PulseFire Flamethrower I knew this needed to be put to our Tailgating Challenge. This flamethrower is easy to use and lightweight. Now let’s get fired up and into the PulseFire Flamethrower review.

PulseFire Features
-Weight = 6 pounds
-Flame up to 25 feet
-27 seconds of flame per gas tank (optional gas tank backpack upgrade that can give full 4 minutes of flame)
-Quick Change Battery
-Digital voltage gauge

What Did We Think?
When I first got this flamethrower I was excited, but nervous to use it. Given it can spray fire up to 25 feet I didn’t want to be the cause of another Colorado forest fire. I waited until snow covered the ground and then started to test out the Exothermic flamethrower.
First step you will need to charge the battery up. This will take a few hours, so plan in advance to ensure the battery is ready to go. There is a digital voltmeter on the unit that can tell you how well the battery is charged. If its 10.5 volts then the battery is too low to use. At 12.5 volts the battery is fully charged.
Once you’ve clipped the battery in then you can fill the fuel tank up with normal gas that holds up to 0.35 gallons. Then you will flip open the switch by the nozzle, cut the power switch on and push the red button to ignite the arc ignition and let the flame come out.
As the flame shoots out and you notice some gas hits the ground and is not burned, which is normal. You may also see the ground on fire with the gas on the ground. The flame can get up to 25 feet in distance. Remember if you start to tip the unit upwards you will get less distance and a less impressive flame. Keep the flamethrower level, or slightly pointed down for best results. This helps the gas flow out of the flamethrower smoothly.
Also to note, do not use this flamethrower in temperatures greater than 140 F or below 20 F. This should be noted for those looking to melt snow off their driveways that the unit may not perform well if the temperatures are too cold.
Finally, this unit is pretty awesome and I know you’ll want to show your friends, but be careful. Don’t point this at another person, or animal and be careful when using so you aren’t the cause of a forest fire. Take the proper precautions.

PROS: lightweight, easy to use, looks awesome, shoots 25 feet
CONS: excess gas falls on ground, uses the gas quickly, can’t be used in colder temperatures
Overall, this is an impressive way to get the fire started. If you’re ready to upgrade the way you start your fire then it’s time to get the PulseFire Flamethrower.
Learn more and get your own by visiting EXOTHERMIC TECHNOLOGIES.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 4/8/23