Wagons are awesome, but what is the right one for your needs. We have tested out a few wagons over the years and in our quest to find great wagons we came across the Wagon Buggy from Creative Wagons. This stroller style wagon is loaded with features and has a unique look that grabs your eye. Let’s roll right into our Wagon Buggy Review.

Wagon Buggy Features
-28 lbs
-150 weight capacity
-Dual 5 point safety harness
-Removable Table
-Adjustable canopies
-Drop box for feet
-Transforms into a bench
-3 colors
-Smooth steering

What Did We Think?
We have tested a few wagons over the years and when we saw the Wagon Buggy we were immediately intrigued with the canopies that made it look like a buggy. In this review we will speak to the value of the many features and our overall impressions of this Buggy Wagon.
The Wagon Buggy weighs in at 28 pounds, which is competitive in this wagon class and was easy to assemble. Like in a matter of minutes we had it ready to roll (pun intended) after unboxing. As we have stated, this wagon looks great in the blue color we picked out. They also have Black and Pink as other colors to choose from.
One thing that makes this Wagon Buggy special is the attachments that you can clip on and off. There is a table with built in cup holders that will provide your passengers with a table and place to put their drink. There is also the ability to add dual canopies that easily go up and down to throw some shade into the wagon.
The wagon does have dual 5 point harnesses to keep your kids safely secured and there is a drop box in the center that will drop down to increase the passenger comfort. With the many things done for passenger comfort I’m waiting for the giant adult version to come out, so I can get pampered. The wagon will hold up to 150 pounds of kids, pets or cargo.
Finally, let me share what could be the most underrated featured, the smoothness of pulling and turning this wagon. This wagon, simply put, drives like a Cadillac and is the smoothest pulling wagon I have tested to date.

PROS: Looks great, smooth when in use, spring handle, 5 point harness for kids, adjustable canopies
CONS: you can’t use the table and canopies at the same time, doesn’t collapse and no carrying case
Overall, this is a beautiful wagon loaded with features and glides over the terrain. If you’re looking for a unique wagon to haul your kids or tailgating goodies the Wagon Buggy could be for you.
Learn more and get your own by visiting Creative Wagons.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 5/20/23