We have played numerous yard games and it’s bound to happen sooner or later, there will be a conflict about what the score is. We have experienced it and there have even been brawls at cornhole tournaments over this. It’s crazy that a fun game of cornhole could turn into a fight and there has to be a better way. There is now thanks to Tally Tumbler. This tumbler helps keep score of a variety of yard games, golf and even tennis. Let’s see how this Tally Tumbler Review does in our next Tailgating Challenge.
Features of Tally Tumbler
-Three different styles (Golf, Tennis, Yard Games)
-Keeps Drinks Hot/Cold for hours
-Four colors to choose from
-Future customization for logos

What Did We Think?
I play a ton of yard games and there are those times where we look at each other and say “What is the score?” This happens in games all across the country and keeping a scoreboard at fingers reach is a win. This way no arguments break out and the game can keep flowing.
The team at Tally Tumbler is already heavily into yard games and they saw this opportunity and seized it. While I’ve been focusing on the yard games aspect, of the Tally Tumbler, they also have 2 other tumblers that can keep the score of both golf and tennis games too!
The tumbler itself looks pretty cool, as people can quickly see that this tumbler can do far more than keep your drink cold. There are scoring rings on the outside that you spin (they click on each number to lock in) to change the score of the games that you play. On the yard games tumbler you can also track how many games each team has won too.
These will come in 4 colors in the future. At the time of this blog the Tally Tumbler was offered in white, but they will have a blue color that I have my eyes on.
Currently this tumbler is available in 30 oz size only.
We tested two of our favorite tumbler lids Narwhal and FlasKap and they both fit perfectly on this tumbler. The Tally Tumbler comes with a lid, but either of these lids is such a fun upgrade. Click on their names above to see our review on each.

PROS: keep the score board in fingers reach, keeps drinks chilled for longer that they need to be, stops arguments about score, looks fun/unique
CONS: 30 oz only, more colors and customization to come in the future
Overall, having a portable scoreboard that you can keep in arms reach, since it has your drink in it, is such a great idea for those that love to play games. The Tally Tumbler will allow you to focus on the fun of yard games and stop worrying about the score.
Learn more by visiting TALLY TUMBLER.
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Written By: Luke Lorick 5/7/22