kozy bear double chair review
Meet the tailgating loveseat that has a built in cooler! See what we thought of the Kozy Bear Double Chair in our next Tailgating Challenge.  Read Review...
national tailgating day 2022
Tailgating season is back for 2022. Is your tailgating gear up for the challenge? If not check out the 2022 Top 10 Products for National Tailgating Day.  Read Review...
igloo kooltunes cooler review
If you're an NFL fan you need an epic cooler that represents you fandom. The KoolTunes NFL cooler reps your team and has built in speakers.  Read Review...
nakedade review
You need to have proper hydration before, during and after your tailgating party. See why we are tailgating naked in the NakedAde Review.  Read Review...
top 5 tailgating guns
Guns at a tailgate are normally a bad thing until now. Meet the top 5 tailgating guns that are sure to make your tailgate more fun.  Read Review...

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